Mack participated in 2017 OECD/NAIC/OIC Roundtable on Insurance and Retirement Savings in Asia, September 20-21, 2017, in Bangkok

The OECD, U.S. National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) and the Office of Insurance Commission (OIC), Thailand, have jointly organised a roundtable on insurance and retirement savings to gather key stakeholders in Asia and discuss policy issues that will lead to the sound development of insurance and private pensions markets.

This roundtable brought together government officials and experts from public authorities, including regulatory and supervisory authorities, ministries of finance, representatives from international organisations, standard setter bodies, the academic community, the private sector as well as NGOs. OECD contributions were supported by the Japanese Government.

OECD’s website on the 17th Tokyo Roundtable
(You can download here, agenda, information note and presentations)

Mack participated in Session 2: Perspectives on Important and Developing Market and Regulatory Issues in the Asia Pacific Region to share updates on the APFF activities to expand long-term investors’ base, focusing on retirement, infrastructure investments, regulation and accounting issues.

Participants for Session 2 was as follows:

  • Mr Ted Nickel, NAIC President, Wisconsin Insurance Commissioner (Panel Chair)
  • Mr Shigeto Hiki, Head of Special Projects and Outreach Unit, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, OECD
  • Makoto Okubo, General Manager, International Affairs New York Representative Office, Nippon Life Insurance Company
  • All regulatory participants will be invited to make short interventions
    Mack’s presentation on the APFF in Bangkok

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