Mack participated in the 2nd Asia Pacific Financial Forum (APFF) Symposium in Seattle, July 7, 2014

The APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) and the National Center for APEC (NCAPEC) convened the 2nd Asia-Pacific Financial Forum (APFF) Symposium in Seattle on July 7, 2014.
The Symposium was titled “Building Integrated Financial Systems to Support the Growth of APEC’s Real Economy”, where experts from private and public sectors and multilateral institutions exchange discussions to deepen understanding on significant policy and regulatory issues and their impact on financial markets.

National Center for APEC’s APFF website
(You can download here, agenda, presentations, or other information on the symposium and the APFF!)


Mack participated in the 3rd session, Expanding cross-border investment through financial market infrastructure & regulatory reforms and convergence.
This session aimed to help address key obstacles to cross-border investment flows arising from underdeveloped financial market infrastructure and regulatory issues affecting strategies of institutional investors.
The panel was moderated by Ms. Lauren Lenfest, Managing Director, Alternative Investments, Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System, having the following panelists:

  • Ms Rebbeca F. Turner, Executive Director, Policy Regulatory Affairs, Asia Securities Industry and Financial Market Association (ASIFMA)
  • Mr. Steven X. Chan, Vice President & Head of Regulatory, Industry and Government Affairs, Asia Pacific, State Street Asia Limited
  • Makoto Okubo, General Manager, International Affairs, Nippon Life Insurance Company
  • Mr. Jeremy G. Sturchio, Director, Global Government Relations, Visa Inc.

Mack made a presentation regarding policies and regulations to promote the long-term business roles of insurance and pensions and the development of retirement systems.

スクリーンショット (25)Presentation of Mack Okubo at APFF Symposium in Seattle

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