Mack participated in the OECD/ADBI Roundtable on Insurance and Retirement Savings in Asia in Naypyidaw, Myammer, March 4-5, 2019

The OECD and Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI) jointly organized the 2019 Tokyo Roundtable on Insurance and Retirement Savings in Asia on 4-5 March 2019 in Nayyudaw, Myammer, in co-operation with the Myammer government.
Taking place over two days, discussions will focus on the key developments and challenges facing insurance and retirement saving in the Asian region.

Key themes to be covered include:
– Market and regulatory developments in Asia
– Financing and insuring disasters in a low penetration environment
– Private sector options for sharing the burden of retirement
– The role of reinsurance in developing insurance markets
This event brought together high-level government officials and experts from public authorities, including regulatory and supervisory authorities, ministries of finance, officials of state governments and international organisations, standard setter bodies, the academic community, the private sector as well as NGOs.

OECD’s website on 2019 Roundtable on Insurance And Retirement Savings in Asia
(You can download here, agenda and information note)

During this roundtable, Mack promoted Insurance Forum 2019, hosted by the Life Insurance Association of Japan in Tokyo on June 5 with a premise of G20 Japanese Presidency, while asking questions about Aging and Cat Bonds, respectively. Mack also mentioned a planned musical show, produced by the Music For SDGs Project.

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