Mack gave a lecture on global communication and a mini duo concert with Nobuki at Global Labo, March 31 2017, New York

Mack gave a guest lecture for the 166th New York Igyoshu Koryukai at Global Labo, in New York on March 31, 2017.
The audience was mostly Japanese business people and students living in New York, and the lecture was given in Japanese.
The session was moderated by Yoshi Amao, an actor and commedian, and Saori Goda, an actress and TV Japan reporter.

ニューヨーク異業種交流会 official website
第166回 月例ニューヨーク異業種交流会案内@Facebook

Mack described how language and culture affect the way how people make decisions and communicate each other, and shared his view on how Japanese can make global communication effective, taking into account the diversity.

This time, Mack invited Mr Nobuki Takamen, a Japanese Jazz Guitarist in New York, and offered a mini duo concert, singing Japanese anime songs in French with Bossa Nova music: Doraemon, Ponyo, Space Battleship Yamato, Odoru Ponpokorin, & Gue Gue Gue no Kitaro.

Also as part of introduction, he sang It’s A Small World – Multi-lingual version, including 24 English accents demonstration.

Nobuki Takamen official website

グローバルコミュニケーション 国際舞台でネイティブに負けない 日本人のためのコミュニケーション術

Media Coverage
週刊NY生活:NY異業種交流会31日 大久保亮氏が講演 国際舞台でのコミュニケーション術
第166回 月例ニューヨーク異業種交流会@Triangle NY Excite Blog

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