Off Broadway Jazz Concert – ANIME for SDGs, November 1st, 2018, New York

Click Here For Report On This Concert

Let us announce our Off-Broadway jazz concert that will take place on 1st November 2018 9:00-10:30pm at The Crown Theater at the Producers Club (358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036). It’s a theater with 56 seats just two minute walk from Times Square, New York.
11月1日、ジャズシンガー駒井りな氏と大久保亮(マック)氏がニューヨークで活躍中のジャズミュージシャンと共にアニメ曲をおしゃれにジャズアレンジで歌うオブブロードウェイコンサートを開催する。タイムズスクエアから徒歩2分、56名収容のThe Crown Theater at the Producers Club(358 W 44th St, New York, NY 10036)にて午後9時開始~10時半まで。

Rina and Mack will cover some Japanese Anime songs ALL IN JAZZ inviting talented jazz musicians (singing in Japanese, English and French):
Vocal: Rina Komai (Jazz singer) and Mack Okubo (Global entertainer)
Guitar: Nobuki Takamen (Jazz guitarist)
Keyboard: Miho Sasaki (Jazz pianist)
Sax: Nagi Okamoto (Tenor Saxophone player)
Shakuhachi: David Soler (Shakuhachi player)
サックス:岡本 奈岐(テナーサックス奏者)

This concert is designed to be part of the “Music for SDGs Project”. The audience will learn through talks about selected United Nations’ SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) corresponding to underlying themes of movies. We intend to report on this event to United Nations.
Assistant: Aya Takeuchi (Global Affairs, Global Gender Studies)

Admission: on the door $40 (cash only), advance ticket $35

For tickets, click here at (☜チケットはこちら)

(※Free admission may be granted for contributors to the “Music for SDGs Project”)

For information, email

Brochure on Rina and Mack’s Jazz Concert – ANIME for SDGs (in English)
Rina and Mack’s Jazz Concert – ANIME for SDGs パンフレット (in Japanese)

Participating Artists:

Rina Komai 駒井りな (Jazz singer)

Born in Tokyo. At her early age, Rina was already introduced to the world of music by her mother, classically-trained pianist. As her love for Jazz grew, Rina started to attend Jazz vocal classes at the age of 15. In 2012, Rina graduated from Shobi Music University, majoring in musical expression. She continued to appear in numerous Jazz festivals in Japan, but in 2014 she moved to New York to further embrace her true passion: music and language. In 2017, Rina released her first album “Taking a Chance.” Rina now is considered as one of the bright young Jazz singers from Japan.
東京生まれ。 クラシックピアノを弾く母を持ち、幼少期から音楽に触れる。15歳からジャズボーカルレッスンを受け、2012年尚美学園大学 音楽表現学科 ジャズボーカルコース卒業。在学時から数々のジャズフェスティバルで演奏をする。2014年NYに語学留学。2017年ファーストアルバム、”Taking A Chance” 全国リリース。Barry Harrisのワークショップ、レッスンやライブ活動を精力的に行っている、注目の若手シンガーだ。

Mack Okubo 大久保亮(マック) (Global entertainer)

Born in Osaka and raised in Tottori. Mack is a multilingual and globally well-known policy advisor and business person, traveling over 50 countries around the world. He is charing a working group in APEC to promote sustainable, resilient and inclusive growth in the Asia Pacific. Among others, he is actively promoting SDGs in collaboration with United Nations, OECD, and APEC. He is also known as multi-talented entertainer such as singer, dancer and comedian. He participated in Japan Music Junction in March, where he sang Anime songs in French with opera singer Manami Aoki and guitarist Nobuki Takamen, and in August, where he sang and danced La Bamba, incorporating a salsa beat rap in English with different accents around the globe. His entertainment activities include a comedy performance in a charity event “Pray for Kumamoto from New York”, a duo concert and dinner show with musical pianist Satoko Mori, Hachinohe Tanabata concert with soprano singer Reiko Maekawara, and a dancing performance during Japan Fes’ Bon Bon Dance Party.
大阪生まれ鳥取育ち。5つの言語を操り、NYを拠点に世界中を飛び回るマルチリンガルな国際派ビジネスマン・政策アドバイザーとして活躍する。APEC地域の持続可能で強靭かつ包括的な成長を促進する作業部会の座長も務め、国連、OECD、APEC等と協力しつつSDGsの推進にも尽力する。また同時にどんな場でもジョークと遊び心を欠かさないエンターテイナーとして人気を博す。ジャンルは歌、コメディ、ダンスと幅広い。Japan Music Junctionでは、3月にソプラノ歌手青木麻菜美さん、ギタリスト高免信喜氏とのコラボでフランス語でアニメ曲を歌う、9月にはラバンバを歌って踊りつつ、英語のアクセントをマネしつつそれをラップ調で歌うという新しい技に挑戦した。他の主なエンタメ活動は、熊本復興支援チャリティでのコメディ、ピアニスト森聡子氏とのコンサート&ディナーショー、ソプラノ歌手前川原怜子氏との八戸七夕コンサート、Japan Fes Bon Bon Dance Partyダンサー等。

Nobuki Takamen 高免信喜 (Guitarist/composer)

Born in Hiroshima. Jazz historian Scott Yanow describes him as ”an excellent improviser in his own bop-inspired style.” John Heidt of Vintage Guitar Magazine has also called him ”a mature player with keen sense of composition [and] considerable technical skill.” A mainstay of the New York jazz scene, Nobuki has toured with his group in North America and Europe, performing at some of the best international jazz festivals and clubs including the Montreal International Jazz Festival, the Rochester International Jazz Festival, Blue Note NY, Iridium Jazz Club, Blues Alley and Smalls Jazz Club. He has also toured annually throughout Japan since 2004.

Miho Sasaki 佐々木美穂 (Jazz pianist)

Born in Tokyo, Japan, she began to play piano at the age of 5 and continued studying music through high school. After her exposure to jazz and enrolling into a jazz program for two years, she began her musical career. She has performed in many venues and has taught for more than ten years in Tokyo. She enjoys participating in jam sessions in and around New York City as well as performing with her own groups. She is also very passionate about teaching piano and performance. Her capabilities allows her to teach classical music or music rooted in improvisation. In her spare time, she enjoys yoga.

Nagi Okamoto 岡本奈岐 (Tenor saxophone player)

She started playing the tenor saxophone at 13, and joined Tosa Junior High School Brass Band.After graduating high school, she attended Koyo Conservatory Kobe. She had been learning jazz and improvisational music. After graduating the school, she had been supporting many bands as a professional musician to develop her musical career. In 2010, she entered Berklee College of Music with scholarships. During the college years, she had been learning with highly acclaimed musicians such as Grammy-award winning saxophonist Fred Lipsius who is known as a member of Blood, Sweat and Tears, also saxophonist for Simon and Garfunkel. After graduating from Berklee College of Music in 2012, Nagi started playing gigs around Boston with world most talented young musicians. Also she made her leader group, which successfully premiered at their first concert with full of audience. Now she is currently performing in New York City.

David Soler (Shakuhachi player)

Licensed instructor in shakuhachi. Active in commissioning new works for traditional Japanese instruments, and developing a repertoire incorporating the shakuhachi into contemporary styles such as jazz, salsa, bomba…and ani-son! Sees music as both another form of language, and as a bridge between cultures.



Aya Takeuchi 竹内あや (Global affairs, global gender studies)

Born and raised in Nagoya, Aichi. Aya received a B.A. in Cross-Cultural Studies with a concentration in Sociolinguistics at Sugiyama Jogakuen University. She is currently a M.S. in Global Affairs Candidate at New York University, Center for Global Affairs, specializing in Global Gender Studies. She is passionate about gender equality.Her current focuses are on women’s right in the workplace, including sexual harassment, maternity leave and leadership, as well as sexual violence against women and girls’ education in developing countries.
名古屋生まれ。2017年椙山女学園大学国際コミュケーション学部 社会言語学専攻で学士を取得し卒業。同年に修士号取得のため渡米し、ニューヨーク大学 大学院にてグローバルジェンダー学を専攻している。「Gender Equality (男女平等)」のために現在は、先進国の職場での女性の権利やリーダーシップ、セクハラ問題、育児休暇や、発展途上国での女性に対する暴力や女子の教育について熱心に取り組んでいる。

This concert will be held with support of Opera Pomme Rouge, immediately following its premier performance of “The Diary of Anna Frank”, which will take place 7:00-8:00pm at the same theater (tickets sold separately).

For information, visit Opera Pomme Rouge official site