Mack delivered a keynote speech for the 3rd International Symposium on Liberal Arts and General Education by Kyoto University, November 22, 2012

Mack delivered a keynote speech in English for the 3rd International Symposium on Liberal Arts and General Education that was held by Kyoto University on November 22, 2012, where selected students made presentations in English on their research for award competition.

Symoposium 2012 website 第三回全学共通教育国際学生シンポジウム


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Mack provided his advice for students who wish to be globally active in the future, sharing his insights, experience, favorite quotes.

Related Report
Symoposium Report 2012 – Mack served as a commentator in a symposium for the professors/instructors of the entire faculties of Kyoto University
to discuss how to change university education to make students more global, July 2012, Kyoto University Katsura Campus (See Page 83-86) 第16回京都大学全学教育シンポジウム 第16回京都大学全学教育シンポジウム
報告書 2012 これからの共通・教養教育

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