Mack participated in the ASSAL annual conference in San Jose, Costa Rica, April 13-16, 2015

The ASSAL (Asociación de Supervisores de Seguros de América Latina) convened the XXVI Annual Conference in San Jose, Costa Rica on April 13-16, 2015.
All the Latin American supervisors together with Spain, Portugal, US and Canadian supervisors gathered to discuss key issues on insurance.

ASSAL’s website
(You can download here, agenda, presentations, or other information on the conference!)


Mack participated in the session on annuity and longevity risk (Rentas vitalicias y riesgo de longevidad).
The panel was moderated by Mr. Pablo Antolin, Senior Economist and Head of private pension unit, OECD.
After hearing a presentation on mortality assumptions and longevity risk, implications for pension funds and annuity providers by Pablo,
the following panelest engaged in discussions:

  • Mr. Hector Rodriguez-Cabo Zaldivar, Director General, Supervision del Seguro de Pensiones de la Comision National de Seguros y Fianzas, Mexico
  • Mr. Osvaldo Macias, Interndente de Seguros, Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros de Chile
  • Makoto Okubo, General Manager, International Affairs, Nippon Life Insurance Company

Mack made a presentation covering lessons learnt from Japanese experience of rapidly aging and low interest, and the work of APFF Insurance and Retirement Income Work Stream, with focus on regulatory and market issues which may affect the ability of the insurers and pension funds to provide longevity solutions.

Presentation of Mack Okubo at ASSAL Annual Conference in Costa Rica (via ASSAL website)

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