Mack participated in the 21st IAIS Annual Conference, and its 20 Year Anniversay Celebration in Amsterdam, October 23-24, 2014

The International Association of Insurance Supervisors organized the 21st Annual Conference at Hotel Okura in Amsterdam, October 23-24,
hosted by the De Nederlandsche Bank.
The theme of IAIS 2014 will be: ’Enhancing policyholder protection and financial stability through governance and risk management’,
inviting a diverse group of international financial supervisors and representatives of the insurance industry, including IAIS Members.
The conference will be preceded by Committee Meetings, from October 20 to 22, and followed by the General Meeting, on October 25.

IAIS 21st Annual Conference website
IAIS website



During the Annual Conference, the IAIS 20 Year Anniversary Celebration event took place on 23 October,
inviting the following panelists, including Mack, to share their memories, and visions on the IAIS in the past, present and future.

  • Ms Alma Gomez, Supervisory of Insurance, Belize
  • Mr Knut Holfeld, former Secretariat of the IAIS, Germany
  • Mr Alan Iuppa, Zurich Financial and former Chairman of the Executive Committee of the IAIS
  • Makoto (Mack) Okubo, Nippon Life and former member of the IAIS Secretariat


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At the conference, a booklet to calebrate the IAIS’ 20 Year Anniversary Celebration was distributed.
The booklet includes Mack’s article as well as photos at younger age!
Check this out!

スクリーンショット (22)IAIS 20 Year 1994 – 2014

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Mack delivered a speech to share unforgettable memories, and importance of the regional coordination, as well as involvement of
stakeholders in the process. Also urged the IAIS to have protection of policyholders as the highest prioprity, while including
financial stability as a recent mandate of the organization.
Demonstrated 20 different English accents to entertain the audience.
Watch this video!

A video clip of IAIS 20 Year Anniversary Celebration Panel

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