Mack participated in the IAIS Annual Conference in Luxembourg, November 8-9, 2018

The IAIS (International Association of Insurance Supervisors) convened the 2018 Annual Conference in Luxembourg on November 8-9, 2018.

IAIS’s website

All slide presentations and biographical information for moderators and panelists are now available at IAIS website
Videos of the 2018 Annual Conference

During Session 3: Supporting Sustainable Economic Development Exploring the Role of Insurance Supervisors, Mack took a microphone from the floor and shared updates on APFF work to promote insurers’ role to support sustainable development in Asia Pacific and asked if there is any possible collaboration. I took this opportunity to briefly report on our upcoming conference on insurance regulations and accounting in Hong Kong, as well as our recent off-Broadway music concert to promote SDGs.

Mack’s remark starts at 1:08:27

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