Mack participated in the IAIS Global Seminar in Budapest, June 16-17 2016

The IAIS (International Association of Insurance Supervisors) convened the 2016 Global Seminar in Budapest, Hungary on June 16-17, 2016.


IAIS’s website

Mack made a remark from the floor to update the work of APFF Insurance and Retirement Income Work Stream to promote long-term investments and longevity solutions of insurers and pension funds, and pointed out the importance of taking account the solvency reform initiatives in Asia (i.e. RBC2 in Singapore, C-ROSS in China), and regulatory issues and recommendations (i.e. bank-oriented regulations, short-term oriented economic regime, and one-size-fits-all model).

Remarks made by Mack Okubo at IAIS Global Seminar in Budapest

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