Mack participated in the OECD Insurance and Private Pensions Committee, Paris, June 26, 2015

On June 24, the OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría launched the OECD Business and Finance Outlook at a high-level roundtable in Paris on 24 June 2015. This report looks at the way in which companies, banks, institutional investors and shadow banking intermediaries are operating in the low growth and low interest rate environment and the build-up of risks in the financial ‌‌system.

It was followed by the OECD Insurance and Private Pension Committee, which discussed various key issues, such as governance, risk management, long-term investment, disaster risk reductions, etc.

OECD website
OECD Launch of the Business and Finance Outlook page
OECD Insurance and pensions

On June 26, on the second day of the OECD Insurance and Private Pension Committee,
Mack shared a progress on the work of the APFF Insurance and Retirement Income Work Stream,
which covered regulation/accounting, capital market/long0term investment, retirement income/longevity solutions, micro insurance and disaster risk financing. Need and benefits of coordination and cooperation between OECD and APFF were emphasized.

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