Mack participated in the OLIS 50th Year Anniversary Symposium in Tokyo, October 25-26, 2017

The Oriental Life Insurance Seminar (OLIS) held the OLIS 50th Year Anniversary Symposium in Tokyo on October 25-26, 2017. About 150 participants gathered from 15 Asian economies to celebrate the OLIS’s 50th Anniversary and learned about further development of life insurance.

OLIS 50th Year Anniversary Symposium (via OLIS)
(You can see agenda and download handouts here)
Oriental Life Insurance Seminar website

Topics covered history of life insurance business in Japan, Life Insurance Business in Ageing, Roles played by Actuaries, Japanese life insurance crisis and lesson learned forward, Life insurance and degitalization, Activities of IAA, as well as insurers’ long-term investments to support sustainable growth. Distinguished speakers included:

  • Professor Takau Yoneyama, Tokyo Keizai University
  • Mr Toyonari Sasaki, Vice Chairman, and Mr Tomohiro Koyanagi, Director International Department, Life Insurance Association of Japan
  • Mr Hideyuki Sumi, President,the Institute of Actuaries of Japan,
  • Mr Nobuyasu Uemura, Managing Director, Capitas Consulting Corporation
  • Mr Hiroshi Matsuoka, Chief Analyst, Insurance Department, NLI Research Institute
  • Mr Masaaki Yoshimura, Managing Director, Milliman and President-Elect, International Actuarial Association

LIAJ’s presentation “Life Insurance Business in Ageing society (via OLIS)”

The participants also heard report from the following distinguish speakers on Life Insurance Business from Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines.

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