Mack sang Japanese Anime songs in French, duo with Noriko, Tokyo, on August 5, 2016

Mack sang Japanese Anime songs in French, at Piano Bar Cozy, Meguro, Tokyo, on August 5 2016. Noriko Sunamoto kindly played keyboard for the night.

Noriko Sunamoto is a music director, composer, arranger, orchestrator and pianist from Japan. Noriko works for several Off-Broadway musical theater such as “702 Punchlines and Pregnant: The Jackie Mason Musical”, “Rapunzarella White” and “Triangle The Musical” as a musical director and pianist. Her original Disney-style musical/dance performance “OMOTENASHI Journey” has been performed at such venues as New York’s Carnegie Hall and Bandshell, Central Park.

Noriko’s Official website:
Piano Bar Cozy: news on the night

Japanese Anime in French: Battlespaceship Yamato, Lum’s Love Song, Odoru Ponpokolin and Gue Gue Gue no Kitaro (with French Rap)


Vocal Mack Okubo
Keyboard Noriko Sunamoto

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