Mack’s article appears in a Japanese weekly newspaper Hoken Joho, June 3, 2016

Mack’s article appears in a Japanese weekly press “Hoken Joho”, a widely read newspaper dedicated to the insurance sector. The article is written in Japanese, and covers Mack’s participations in international meetings for the first 4 months of 2016, which would allow the readers to have a brief overview of what’s going on around the globe in the insurance and pension sector.

A column introducing OMOTENASHI JOURNEY, a musical composed, written and directed by Noriko Sunamoto, is also included.

Hoken Joho official website (in Japanese)
For OMOTENASHI Journey, visit

Screenshot (5)Mack’s Article (in Japanese)

Note: This articple was posted with the permission of Hoken Joho (hokensha).

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