Mack participated in the NAIC International Forum in Washington DC, May 15-16, 2017

The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) hosted the 2017 NAIC International Insurance Forum in Washington DC on May 15-16.
The two-day forum included more than 300 regulators and insurers from 20 jurisdictions and discussion on topics such as systemic risk, reinsurance and international capital standards.

NAIC website
NAIC International Insurance Forum Official Page via NAIC
NAIC Press Release: NAIC Hosts International Insurance Forum Global insurance supervisors engage on critical regulatory issues

Mack I took a microphone from the floor during the panel on the International Capital Standards, and after a little introduction of the APFF work, emphasized the importance of incorporating growth opportunities in the regulatory model, not just looking at snapshot of today’s market, sharing an episode to go our for shopping in Beijing in 2006 as anology to highlight his point.

Remarks made by Mack Okubo at NAIC International Forum in Washington DC

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